This website was made to fulfill the needs of such patients by the Survival statistics of Japanese association of Clinical Cancer Centers which compiles and analyzes the treatment outcomes of 32 hospitals from all over Japan for over 30 years since the 1970s. From these statistics, the survival rate of cancer patients has been compiled. This survival rate is being released in this website.

When referring to this data, we ask you to understand the following.

  1. Data is based on an average out of many cancer patients. It is merely a probable supposition, it does not confirm how long each patient may survive.

  2. This survival rate is the newest data in Japan, but still compiled from patients who developed cancer more than 10 years ago. This is because it takes a several years for statistics to give conclusions. Keep in mind that new treatments have been developed and survival rate has become considerably better since.

  3. This survival rate is a number uncovered from many lives and deaths of past cancer patients. While for some, these numbers may become hope, they may also deprive some people of all hope. Please think again what this data may mean in your case.

This research was conducted by the research and development expenditures of the National Cancer Center and Designated Hospitals.